Personality and Performance: The Role of Traits in Sports Arousal

Misha Goltsman
6 min readJun 20, 2023


Cognitive and Motivational Functions (Paivio, 1985)

In sports, peak performance is often attributed to physical prowess and mental toughness. However, recent studies suggest that athletes’ personality traits influence their sports arousal and overall success on the field or court.

From extraversion to neuroticism, certain characteristics can enhance or hinder an individual’s athletic abilities. As we dive into this fascinating topic, we’ll explore the impact of these traits on motivation, self-confidence, determination, and more.

Key Takeaways:

  • Personality traits such as extroversion, neuroticism, and conscientiousness significantly impact an athlete’s sports arousal and subsequent performance.
  • Athletes with high levels of extraversion tend to thrive in the competitive atmosphere of a game or match. In contrast, those with high neuroticism may experience increased anxiety levels, leading to poor decision-making and reduced confidence. On the other hand, athletes who possess conscientiousness are more likely to set high standards for themselves and strive to achieve their goals consistently.
  • Developing pre-competition routines, cognitive-behavioural techniques, and relaxation exercises can effectively manage personality traits toward improved sports performance. Coaches should consider using personality assessments to identify strengths in individual players’ personalities that can be harnessed for better results on the field or court.

The Impact Of Personality Traits On Sports Arousal And Performance

Personality traits, including extraversion and neuroticism, can significantly impact an athlete’s arousal level and subsequent performance in sports.

Extraversion And Arousal

Extraversion, a fundamental personality trait, plays a significant role in sports arousal and performance. Individuals who score high on extraversion tend to be outgoing, assertive, and energetic.

For example, extroverted athletes may feel more energized by the competitive atmosphere of a game or match, leading to increased motivation and focus. They often thrive under pressure and enjoy the social aspects of team sports.

Additionally, their natural confidence helps them overcome setbacks or challenges during competition more effectively than introverts who shy away from the spotlight.

A study found significant differences between team sports regarding four personality traits — neuroticism, extraversion, agreeableness, and openness — which showcases how essential extraversion is for an athlete’s overall success on the field or court.

Neuroticism And Anxiety

Neuroticism is a personality trait characterized by emotional instability and quickly experiencing negative emotions such as anxiety, fear, and sadness. In sports psychology, neuroticism has been shown to hurt an athlete’s performance due to increased anxiety levels.

Athletes with high neuroticism tend to overthink their mistakes or worry excessively about the outcome of the competition, leading to poor decision-making and reduced confidence.

Athletes with high neuroticism scores must develop effective coping mechanisms to reduce anxiety and improve their sports performance.

Techniques such as cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) help athletes replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations while breathing exercises effectively calm nerves.

Developing pre-competition routines, including visualization techniques and mental rehearsal, can also help minimize anxiety during competitions.

Conscientiousness and Motivation

Conscientiousness is a personality trait commonly associated with motivation and success in sports. Athletes who possess this trait are reliable, organized, self-disciplined, and goal-oriented.

They are more likely to set high standards for themselves and strive to achieve their goals consistently. This trait promotes hard work, persistence, and dedication in training and games.

Studies have shown that athletes who score high on the scale of conscientiousness are more likely to succeed than those who do not possess it. For instance, research conducted among college basketball players suggested that individuals with higher levels of conscientiousness were better able to manage emotions while under pressure (emotional regulation).

Furthermore, they reported fewer mistakes during the game due to an increased focus on execution (cognitive processing).

As such, coaches should aim at developing capabilities in their athletes around increasing consciousness since it creates a secure foundation upon which other traits develop toward optimal sports performance.

Managing Personality Traits for Improved Sports Performance

Developing pre-competition routines, implementing cognitive-behavioural techniques, and practicing breathing and relaxation exercises effectively manage personality traits for improved sports performance.

Developing Pre-Competition Routines

Athletes can benefit from developing pre-competition routines to help manage their personality traits for optimal performance. Here are some tips for creating an effective pre-competition routine:

  1. Visualize success: Spend some time before the competition visualizing yourself performing at your best. This can help build confidence and reduce anxiety.
  2. Warm-up: A proper warm-up routine can help prepare your body and mind for competition. Include stretches, drills, and exercises specific to your sport.
  3. Listen to music: Some athletes find it helps them relax and get in the zone before the competition. Choose songs that energize or calm you down, depending on your needs.
  4. Practice deep breathing: Deep breathing exercises can help calm nerves and focus the mind. Take slow, deep breaths through your nose and out through your mouth.
  5. Go over strategy: Review your game plan with coaches or teammates before the game so everyone is on the same page.
  6. Stay hydrated: Make sure you are adequately hydrated before the competition begins.
  7. Avoid distractions: Avoid distractions in the moments leading up to the competition. Focus only on what you need to do to perform at your best.

By incorporating these simple steps into a pre-competition routine, athletes can better manage their personality traits and enhance their performance on game day.

Cognitive-behavioural Techniques

Sports psychology often uses cognitive-behavioural techniques to help athletes manage their thoughts and emotions, ultimately improving their performance.

These techniques involve identifying negative thinking patterns and replacing them with positive ones through self-reflection and awareness.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that cognitive-behavioural techniques can effectively manage anxiety and stress before competition or during high-pressure situations.

By teaching athletes how to regulate their emotions, these techniques can also help prevent burnout and improve overall mental health.

Breathing and Relaxation Exercises

Breathing and relaxation exercises are effective techniques in sports psychology to manage personality traits for improved sports performance. These exercises help athletes achieve a state of relaxation, reduce anxiety, and increase focus before a game or competition. Here are some prevalent breathing and relaxation techniques that athletes can apply:

  • Progressive Muscle Relaxation: This technique involves tightening and relaxing specific muscle groups in the body progressively. Starting from the toes, an athlete contracts each muscle group for a few seconds before releasing it. This exercise helps release tension and promote relaxation.
  • Diaphragmatic Breathing: Also known as belly breathing, diaphragmatic breathing involves inhaling deeply through the nose while pushing out the belly, then exhaling forcefully through pursed lips while contracting the abdominal muscles. This technique helps reduce anxiety, calm nerves, and increase muscle oxygen flow.
  • Visualization: Athletes can create mental images of successful performances or positive outcomes. They can boost confidence levels and increase motivation by imagining themselves performing well or winning a game.
  • Mindfulness Meditation: Mindfulness meditation trains athletes to focus on being present in the moment without judgment. It involves observing thoughts without engaging with them while focusing on sensory experiences such as breath, sounds or physical sensations.

By regularly practicing these breathing and relaxation exercises, athletes can effectively manage their personality traits toward improved sports performance.


Personality traits significantly influence sports arousal and performance. Understanding the impact of extraversion, neuroticism, and conscientiousness can help athletes improve their performance through specific management techniques like pre-competition routines, cognitive-behavioural techniques, and relaxation exercises.

Coaches and athletes should consider personality assessments to identify strengths and areas for improvement in achieving optimal performance. The study of personality in sports psychology is an essential area that requires further enhance our understanding of how it affects athletes’ responses to stress and arousal in sports.


1. What is the relationship between personality traits and sports performance arousal?

Research suggests that certain personality traits, such as neuroticism and extraversion, can impact an athlete’s level of arousal during performance and ultimately affect their overall success.

2. How do different levels of arousal impact athletic performance?

Low arousal levels can lead to a lack of motivation or focus, while high levels can cause anxiety or restlessness, impairing performance. Finding the right level of arousal for each athlete is crucial for optimal results.

3. Can personality traits be modified to improve sports performance?

While some aspects of personality are highly ingrained, athletes can work with coaches or mental health professionals to manage their emotions and reactions to optimize their state of mind during competition.

4. How important is the mindset when it comes to athletic success?

Mindset plays a critical role in athletic success, whether through intrinsic factors like self-confidence and discipline or extrinsic factors like social support networks and access to resources such as coaching expertise.



Misha Goltsman
Misha Goltsman

Written by Misha Goltsman

I focus on my own experiences by bridging concepts/ideas of motivation into sports.

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